2003  /  28’

Ghosts of voice - Antonio Stagnoli

Ghosts of voice - Antonio Stagnoli

By Elisabetta Sgarbi

DVD + Book Available On IBS

Ghosts of voice - Antonio Stagnoli, commissioned by gallery director Arialdo Ceribelli, describes Antonio Stagnoli's works and world, deaf-mute painter since two years-old, born in Bagolino in 1922.
Antonio Stagnoli dreams his life among living and inanimate laces, those of his house and his places. As to his relationship with the real world, he perceives and describes only echoes coming from a dark realm, in the restless hiss of a way of conceiving, here conveyed by Tom Cora's cello. An "expressionism filled with local tones", and also with few oneiric tinges almost Lithuanian, gives rhythm to Antonio Stagnoli's voice telling about the "Polyptych" of his life and stares at the darkness (of cinema), trying to say something else. And around there, as enrico ghezzi says, "it seems to us that animals are like hypnotised. Nobody actually knows whether they have been gazed by someone, or what happened to them, whether they have been to the movies, or they come from the movies."

Presented at 60th Mostra d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia

" ..Sudden limits, and sudden perceptions of a ceaseless contiguity where emptiness and fullness are only different shapes.. ..Inside the utopia of everybody's cloud of the (video)life blinded by and intoxicated with visible sounds, only the perception of a ghostly life enhances a vital quiver.. ..and while the gaze from inside the car (by Stagnoli) looks like the first in the world and then draws away in a light night of ghosts.. It seems to us that animals are like hypnotised Nobody actually knows whether they have been gazed by someone, or what happened to them, whether they have been to the movies, or they come from the movies. "

enrico ghezzi